Fuller Gardens - North Hampton, NH
Fuller Gardens

10 Willow Avenue North Hampton, NH, 03862 Phone: 603-964-5414

Designed in the Colonial Revival style on a two-acre plot, these gardens bloom throughout the season, from an extensive tulip display in early May, followed by the Japanese garden and other late spring flowering shrubs, through the 2,000 rose bushes that bloom through October.
Bedrock Gardens - Lee NH
Bedrock Gardens

19 High Road Lee, NH, 03861 Phone:

Called an oasis of art, horticulture, and inspiration. Bedrock Gardens is a privately owned property where the public is invited to tour and visit on Open Gardens Weekends six months of the year. The huge variety of garden plots includes a parterre garden, a swaleway, funnel gardens, an allee, the shrubaria, the GrassAcre, Belgian Fence, rock gardens, the coop and wave, a paddock garden, and more. Many special events include topics like beekeeping, ballroom dancing, and learning about caterpillars, native plants and pollinators.
Prescott Park  - Portsmouth, NH
Prescott Park

105 Marcy Street Portsmouth, NH, 03801 Phone: 603-431-2000

This very pretty city park is located within easy walking distance from the center of Portsmouth, and on the banks of the Piscataqua River, which is always lively with views of fishing boats, tugboats, cruises and other watercraft. The parks is across the street from Strawbery Banke Museum, where costumed interpreters describe life in the neighborhood over four centuries. Prescott Park has very large flowerbed and demonstration gardens. The park also hosts a big schedule of outdoor concerts and plays for kids throughout the summer.