
Shellfishing & Clamming - NH Statewide

Shellfishing is one a many great family activities that you can enjoy on a NH vacation. Only New Hampshire residents may dig for clams or oysters in New Hampshire waters. Shellfishing and clamming licenses is required for fishermen age 6 and older. You may purchase a license online. Find Coastal Boat and Shore Fishing Sites in NH.

Shellfishing and clamming may be done on the Atlantic coast, in the Great Bay estuary, in the Hampton/Seabrook estuary, and in Little Harbor / Back Channel. Consult the State of New Hampshire's shellfishing maps.

Before you go shellfishing, visit the NH Coastal Atlas or call the NH Clam Flat Hotline at 800-43-CLAMS to make sure your area is open. Find a place to stay near the beach!

Shellfishing and Clamming in New Hampshire - Photo Credit Shutterstock
Shellfishing and Clamming – Boat access

Pierce Island on the Piscataqua River. Shore fishing; parking available; there is a fee; ok for all all tides

Odiorne Point State Park on the Atlantic Ocean, Route 1A, Rye. Shore fishing; parking access; fee; no fishing low tide.

Rye Harbor State Park on the Atlantic Ocean, Route 1A, Rye. Parking available; fuel in season; ok for all tides

Hampton Harbor State Park on the Atlantic Ocean, Route 1A, Hampton. Parking lot; fuels in season; fee; ok for fish at all tides

Exeter Town Landing on Squamscott River, Water Street, Exeter. Some parking for shore fishing. Ok in all tides

Stratham Town Landing on Squamscott River, River Road, Stratham. Small amount of parking; carry-in crafts; shore fishing. Not at all tides

Newfields Town Landing on Squamscott River Squamscott Road, Newfields. Some parking for shore angling in all tides

Chapman’s Landing on Squamscott River, Route 108, Stratham. Limited parking for shore casting; property of state fish and game dept; ok for all tides

Sandy Point Discovery Center on Great Bay, Depot Road, Greenland. Limited parking for carry-in craft; fish and game land; shore casting but not in all tides

Greenland Town Landing on Winnicut River, Tide Mill Road, Greenland. Very small parking area; for four-wheel-drive vehicles; carry-in craft; ok in all tides

Newmarket Town Landing on Lamprey River, Water Street (off Route 108), Newmarket. Limited parking for shore fishing in all tides

Adams Point Boat Launch on Great Bay, Durham Point Road, Durham. Small parking area for shore fishing; this is state fish & game land; not for all tides.

Great Bay Marine on Little Bay, Newington. Plenty of parking; fuel pumps; private docks; fees; ok for all tides.

Hilton State Park on Piscataqua River, Spaulding Turnpike, Dover. Lots of parking for shore casting, but not in all tides